Summer Shower Routine

Summer has well and truly arrived here in the UK and it’s hotter than it’s been for what feels like years! So of course my skincare routines have been mixed up a bit to accommodate the heat. Today I’m covering my shower skincare/body care routine since that is the most time consuming at the moment what with shaving all the darn time! Why god why did you make women have hair on their legs?!


Moving on the Soap & Glory’s Clean On Me (£6 @ Boots) is by far my favourite shower gel of all time hence why my mum buys me more every christmas. It’s creamy and moisturising which is why it’s especially fab for hot weather when I find my skin really needs that extra boost of moisture. It also smells pretty luxurious for the price tag in my opinion and lasts for ages! No seriously if you keep this to yourself (I’m not great at sharing things I really love haha) then this can go on for 6 months, you only need one pump on a loofah to get the job done!

And then onto shaving, the biggest chore ever! I like to use this “mens” dedicated sensitive shaving gel by Nivea (£2.10 @ Boots) as I find the more commonly used Gillette ones tend to give me a rash and this is much more soothing on my skin. Plus I don’t like to follow what labels tell me to do, I’m a shaving gel rebel, apparently. Where razors are concerned I use the Sword Quattro by Wilkinson (£3.50 @ Boots) as they have more blades, stay sharper for longer and are usually cheaper or on offer than other less good brands.

Of course a face scrub comes into play and I am on a skincare budget at the moment so this one by Palmers (£3.99 @ Superdrug) does the job. It’s not too intensely grainy so it gives a gentle exfoliation and it has cocoa butter for an added bit of moisture.

Now onto the mouth stuff and yes I am one of those weird people who brushes their teeth in the shower, what can I say it’s just easier and you don’t have to worry about toothpaste going down your new playsuit. This Colgate toothpaste is a new one for me but I can say that it does get my teeth as white as they can go without whitening them and it’s one of the cheaper options in the toothpaste aisle. I find it odd how they think they can charge £4-5 for a relatively small tube of toothpaste?

Lastly I use a lip scrub more often in the summer for obvious reasons and this Lush Mint Julips (£5.50) sugar scrub tastes sooooo good and helps to get my lips back to some kind of normal texture. It is kinda pricey for a lip scrub but totally worth it.

Keep an eye out for part 2 & what are your shower must haves for summer?

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